The Dick Thornburgh Papers

The Collection

Gifts, awards and memorabilia

Extent: 628 items

Dick Thornburgh received many awards, gifts and memorabilia throughout his distinguished career. While he was the beneficiary of most of the items, his wife, Ginny, received some too.

The collection contains numerous degrees and honorary degrees, plaques that enumerate accomplishments and important occasions, and many varied awards, certificates, and certifications. Having had a twenty-five year public service career, and a subsequent active and ongoing legal career, such presentations and gifts are familiar. They well represent the esteem felt by organizations and individuals for the notable work and contributions to society of both Dick and Ginny Thornburgh. In some cases these items may be the only references to related accomplishments.

The items are arranged by era (e.g., youth, education, ongoing career, etc.) or public service position (Governor, Attorney General of the U.S., etc). Each item description is preceded by format or type of item received: plaque, degree, gift, certificate, photograph, award, certification, poster, proclamation, honorary degree, and Ginny Thornburgh. Many are ideal for displays as well as serving as a source of information.


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